नुवाकोट, बेलकोटगढी–७ रातमाटे सब–स्टेसनमा गरिएको जग्गा अधिग्रहणको स्वामित्व

काठमाडौँ, २०७८ साउन ३१ गते।

नेपाल सरकारको लगानी र मिलेनियम च्यालेञ्ज कर्पोरेसन (एमसीसी) को अनुदान सहयोगमा एमसिए–नेपाल विकास समितिले नुवाकोटको बेलकोटगढी नगरपालिका–७ स्थित रातमाटेमा निर्माण गर्न लागेको रातमाटे विद्युत् सब–स्टेसनका लागि अधिग्रहण गरिएको जग्गाका सम्बन्धमा केही सञ्चार माध्यममा आएका समाचारप्रति एमसिए–नेपाल विकास समितिको ध्यानाकर्षण भएको छ।

उक्त विद्युत् सब–स्टेसनका लागि आवश्यक ३९८ रोपनी जग्गा अधिग्रहण नेपालको जग्गा प्राप्ति ऐन, २०३४ अनुसार गरिएको हो। भविष्यमा नेपाल विद्युत् प्राधिकरणले बनाउने सब–स्टेसन पनि रहने गरी उक्त परिमाणको जग्गा अधिग्रहण गरिएको हो।

यसक्रममा त्यहाँका १०२ घरपरिवारका १९५ कित्ता जग्गा अधिग्रहणमा परेका थिए। ती जग्गा एवम् ती जग्गामा रहेका संरचनाको अधिग्रहणबापत मुआब्जा रकम नेपालको विद्यमान कानुन र अन्तरराष्ट्रिय वातावरणीय निर्देशिका एवम् मापदण्ड अनुसार भुक्तानी गरिएको थियो।

उक्त सब–स्टेसन निर्माणसम्बन्धी सम्पूर्ण कार्य सञ्चालन नेपाल सरकारले गठन गरेको एमसिए–नेपाल विकास समितिले गर्दछ। नेपालको विकास समिति ऐन, २०१३ ले दिएको अधिकार अनुसार आयोजनाका लागि आवश्यक सम्पूर्ण चल अचल सम्पत्ति एमसिए–नेपाल विकास समितिले खरिद गर्छ र ती सम्पत्ति एमसिए–नेपालको नाममा मात्र दर्ता हुन्छन्। यस अनुदान अन्तर्गत खरिद गरिने कुनै पनि चल वा अचल सम्पत्ति दातृ निकाय एमसीसीको नाममा नरहने र सम्झौता अनुरूप राख्न नमिल्ने जानकारी पनि दिन चाहन्छौँ।

अधिग्रहण गरिएका जग्गा हाल नेपाल सरकार, अर्थ मन्त्रालय अन्तर्गतको एमसिए–नेपाल विकास समितिको नाममा रही निर्माण सम्पन्न भएपछि उक्त विकास समिति विघटन गरिएपश्चात् उक्त सब–स्टेशन, त्यहाँ निर्माण गरिएका अन्य संरचना र जग्गाको पूर्ण स्वामित्व नेपाल सरकारको निर्णय बमोजिम नेपाल विद्युत् प्राधिकरण वा नेपाल सरकारले तोकेको सरकारी निकायलाई हस्तान्तरण गरिनेछ।

यसबारे कुनै तथ्यहीन तथा भ्रामक समाचारको भर नपर्न अनुरोध गर्नुका साथै सही र अद्यावधिक जानकारीका लागि एमसिए–नेपाल विकास समितिको आधिकारिक वेबसाइट www.mcanp.org हेर्नुहुन अनुरोध गर्दछौँ।

एमसिए–नेपालको आव २०७६/०७७ को लेखापरीक्षण सम्पन्न

काठमाडौँ, २०७८ असार २१ गते ।

नेपाल सरकारको लेखापरीक्षण ऐन, २०७५ अनुसार महालेखापरीक्षकको कार्यालयले मिलेनियम च्यालेञ्ज एकाउण्ट नेपाल विकास समिति (एमसिए–नेपाल) द्वारा आर्थिक वर्ष २०७६/०७७ मा गरिएका आर्थिक कारोबारको लेखापरीक्षण सम्पन्न गरी प्रारम्भिक प्रतिवेदन प्रस्तुत गरेको छ ।

आर्थिक वर्ष २०७६/०७७ को विनियोजन÷राजस्व÷धरौटी÷अन्य कारोबारको आर्थिक विवरणको लेखापरीक्षण प्रतिवेदन २०७८ जेठ २० गते एमसिए–नेपाललाई प्राप्त भएको हो ।

राष्ट्रिय गौरवको आयोजना विद्युत् प्रसारण आयोजना र सडक मर्मत आयोजनाका लागि अमेरिकी सरकारको मिलेनियम च्यालेञ्ज कर्पाेरेशनबाट प्राप्त अनुदान ५० करोड अमेरिकी डलर र नेपाल सरकारको लगानी १३ करोड अमेरिकी डलर अन्तर्गत गत आर्थिक वर्षमा भएका आयव्यय हिसाबको लेखापरीक्षण गरिएको हो ।

ती दुई आयोजनाको सञ्चालन र व्यवस्थापनका लागि नेपाल सरकारले विकास समिति ऐन, २०१३ अनुसार विसं २०७५ वैशाख ५ गते नेपाल राजपत्रमा सूचना प्रकाशित गरी एमसिए–नेपाल गठन गरेको हो ।

एमसिए–नेपालको स्थापनाकाल (आ.व. २०७४/७५ देखि नै महालेखापरीक्षकको कार्यालयबाट यस कार्यालयको लेखापरीक्षण हुँदै आएको छ ।

एमसीसी कम्प्याक्ट नेपालको दफा ३.८ (क) मा महालेखापरीक्षकको एमसिए–नेपालको लेखापरीक्षण गर्नेसम्बन्धी व्यवस्था गरिएको छ । यसैगरी लेखापरीक्षण नियमित रूपमा गरिनुपर्ने आवश्यकता मिलेनियम च्यालेञ्ज एकाउण्ट नेपाल विकास समिति (गठन) आदेश–२०७४ को दफा ११ ले पनि सिर्जना गरेको छ ।

महालेखापरीक्षकको कार्यालयद्वारा विभिन्न वर्षमा नियमित रूपमा लेखापरीक्षण गरी प्रारम्भिक प्रतिवेदन प्रस्तुत गरिएकासम्बन्धी पत्रहरू तल प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ ।

नेपाल सरकारद्वारा विद्युत् प्रसारण आयोजनाको वातावरण प्रभाव मूल्याङ्कन प्रतिवेदन स्वीकृत

नेपाल सरकारद्वारा विद्युत् प्रसारण आयोजनाको वातावरण प्रभाव मूल्याङ्कन प्रतिवेदन स्वीकृत

काठमाडौँ, २०७८ जेठ ४ गते।

वन तथा वातावरण मन्त्रालयले मिलेनियम च्यालेञ्ज एकाउण्ट नेपाल विकास समिति (एमसिए–नेपाल) द्वारा अमेरिकाको मिलेनियम च्यालेञ्ज कर्पाेरेशनबाट प्राप्त हुने अनुदान र नेपाल सरकारको लगानीबाट कार्यान्वयन गरिने विद्युत् प्रसारण आयोजनाको वातावरणीय प्रभाव मूल्याङ्कन प्रतिवेदन स्वीकृत गरेको छ।

नेपाल सरकारको मन्त्रिस्तरीय निर्णयबाट २०७८ साल वैशाख १६ गते स्वीकृत गरिएको उक्त वातावरणीय प्रभाव मूल्याङ्कन प्रतिवेदन विद्युत् प्रसारण आयोजना अन्तर्गत प्रसारण लाइन र सब–स्टेशनहरूको निर्माणका लागि हाल भइरहेको पूर्वतयारी कार्यको एक प्रमुख अंश हो।

“एमसीसी नेपाल कम्प्याक्ट कार्यान्वयनमा प्रवेश गर्नुपूर्व पूरा गर्नुपर्ने कार्यस्थलमा पहुँचसम्बन्धी पूर्वशर्त हासिल गर्नेसन्दर्भमा यो उपलब्धि एउटा महत्वपूर्ण कोशेढुङ्गा हो”, एमसिए–नेपालका कार्यकारी निर्देशक खड्गबहादुर विष्ट भन्नुहुन्छ, “अर्काे महत्वपूर्ण कोशेढुङ्गा यस सम्झौताको संसदीय अनुमोदन हुनेछ।”

विष्ट थप्नुहुन्छ, “यस प्रतिवेदनले आयोजना कार्यान्वयन गरिने स्थानका भौतिक, जैविक, सामाजिक–आर्थिक तथा सांस्कृतिक वातावरणको वर्तमान अवस्था पहिचान गरेको छ र सम्भावित प्रभाव न्यूनीकरणका लागि अपनाउनुपर्ने उपायहरूबारे सुझावहरू पनि प्रस्तुत गरेको छ।”

नेपालको प्रचलित कानुन अनुसार विस्तृत रूपमा तयार गरिएको वातावरणीय प्रभाव मूल्याङ्कन प्रतिवेदन नेपालको वातावरण संरक्षण ऐन, २०७६ र वातावरण संरक्षण नियमावली, २०७७ को अधीनमा रही स्वीकृत गरिएको हो।

वातावरणीय प्रभाव मूल्याङ्कनका क्रममा तथ्याङ्क सङ्कलन तथा विश्लेषणका लागि सघन कार्यविधि अपनाइनुका साथै आयोजना कार्यान्वयन गरिने १० वटा जिल्लाका ३० वटै गाउँपालिका तथा नगरपालिकामा अन्तरक्रिया तथा सार्वजनिक सुनुवाइ कार्यक्रमहरू सञ्चालन गरिएको थियो।

नेपालका वातावरणीय कानुनहरू एवं नियमावलीहरू तथा अन्तरराष्ट्रिय उत्कृष्ठ अभ्यासहरूका आधारमा यस प्रतिवेदनले नकारात्मक प्रभावहरू पर्न नदिन, न्यूनीकरण गर्न वा व्यवस्थापन गर्न तथा आयोजनाका फाइदा अभिवद्धि गर्नका लागि विभिन्न उपायहरू प्रस्ताव गरेको छ।

वातावरण संरक्षण ऐन, २०७६ को प्रावधान अनुसार यस वातावरणीय प्रभाव मूल्याङ्कन प्रतिवेदनले आयोजना कार्यान्वयनका क्रममा प्रभावित हुने कामदारहरू तथा समुदायहरूको सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित गर्नका लागि विस्तृत वातावरणीय, सामाजिक, स्वास्थ्य तथा सुरक्षा व्यवस्थापन योजना पनि तर्जुमा गरेको छ। प्रतिवेदनमा व्यक्त गरिएका प्रतिवद्धताहरू पालना गरिएको सुनिश्चित गर्नका लागि वातावरणीय अनुगमन योजना र वातावरणीय परीक्षण प्रक्रिया पनि निर्धारण गरिएको छ। प्रतिवेदन स्वीकृतिपश्चात् अब एमसिए–नेपालले राष्ट्रिय वनक्षेत्र प्रयोग गर्न र त्यस क्षेत्रबाट रुखविरुवा हटाउन स्वीकृति लिने प्रक्रिया अगाडि बढाउनेछ।

नेपाल सरकारद्वारा पहिचान गरिएका नेपालको विकासका प्रमुख दुई अवरोधको सम्बोधनका लागि प्रस्ताव गरिएका दुई वटा आयोजना सञ्चालनका लागि नेपाल सरकार तथा अमेरिकी सरकारको मिलेनियम च्यालेञ्ज कर्पाेरेशनबीच एमसीसी नेपाल कम्प्याक्टमा २०७४ साल भदौ २९ गते हस्ताक्षर गरिएको थियो।

ती दुई आयोजनामध्ये राष्ट्रिय गौरवको आयोजनाका रूपमा घोषणा गरिएको विद्युत् प्रसारण आयोजनाले करिब ३१४ किमि लामो ४०० केभी क्षमताको विद्युत् प्रसारण लाइन तथा तीन वटा ४०० केभी क्षमताका सब–स्टेशन निर्माण गर्नेछ। उक्त प्रसारण लाइन १० वटा जिल्लाका ३० वटा गाउँपालिका तथा नगरपालिका भएर जानेछ। यस आयोजनाले साझेदारी कार्यक्रममार्फत प्रभावित स्थानीय सरोकारवालाहरूको हित सुनिश्चित गर्नेछ भने नेपालको ऊर्जा क्षेत्रको सशक्तीकरणमा पनि सघाउन पु¥याउनेछ।

यसैगरी सडक मर्मत आयोजनाले नेपालका सडकको मर्मतसम्भार गर्नुका साथै नेपालमा सडक मर्मतसम्बन्धी नयाँ प्रविधि प्रयोग गर्नेछ।


Kathmandu, 18 May 2021

The Ministry of Forest and Environment has approved the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report of the Electricity Transmission Project to be implemented by Millennium Challenge Account Nepal Development Board (MCA-Nepal) with the grant funding from the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), USA, and co-funding from the Government of Nepal. 

The EIA report, approved on 29 April 2021 by the government with a ministerial level decision, is a major part of the project preparatory works now underway for the construction of transmission lines and substations under the ETP project.

“The achievement is an important milestone to help meet one condition related to site access before the MCC Compact can enter into force,” said Mr. Khadga Bahadur Bisht, Executive Director of MCA-Nepal, “The other important milestone will be ratification of the Compact.”

Mr. Bisht added, “The report has established the existing status of the physical, biological, socio-economic and cultural environment within the project’s footprint, and has suggested measures to mitigate the potential impacts.”

The detailed EIA report, prepared according to existing laws in Nepal, is in compliance with Nepal’s Environment Protection Act (EPA), 2019 and Environment Protection Rules (EPR), 2020.

The EIA used a robust methodology for data collection and analysis, and included a number of consultations and public hearings in all 30 municipalities/rural municipalities of 10 districts in the project’s footprint.

It has proposed measures to avoid, minimize or mitigate/manage adverse impacts and to optimize project benefits as per Nepali environmental laws and regulations, and international best practices.

As a requirement of the EPA (2019), the EIA includes a detail Environmental, Social, Health, and Safety Management Plan (ESHSMP) to ensure safety of workers and communities affected by the project during implementation. It also includes an Environmental Monitoring Plan, and specifies an environmental audit process to identify any non-compliance including corrective actions to ensure fulfillment of the commitments in the EIA report. Following the approval of the report, MCA-Nepal will now initiate a process to receive the approval for the use of national forest area and removal of trees and plants.

The Government of Nepal and the US Government’s MCC signed a Compact in September 2017 for undertaking two projects that the Government had identified to address major constraints to Nepal’s development.

रातमाटे जग्गा अधिग्रहणको मुआब्जा वितरण कार्य ६० प्रतिशत सम्पन्न

रातमाटे जग्गा अधिग्रहणको मुआब्जा वितरण कार्य ६० प्रतिशत सम्पन्न

नुवाकोट, २०७७ फागुन २० गते।

मिलेनियम च्यालेञ्ज एकाउण्ट नेपाल विकास समिति (एमसिए–नेपाल) ले कार्यान्वयन गर्न लागेको विद्युत् प्रसारण आयोजना अन्तर्गत रातमाटे सब–स्टेशन निर्माणको पूर्वतयारीका क्रममा गरिएको जग्गा अधिग्रहणको मुआब्जा वितरण कार्य ६० प्रतिशत सम्पन्न भएको छ।

नुवाकोट जिल्लाको बेलकोटगढी नगरपालिकाको वडा नं. ७ रातमाटेमा विद्युत्सब–स्टेशन बनाउन ३८५ रोपनी जग्गा चाहिएकोले स्थानीय ९४ घरपरिवारका १८४ कित्ता जग्गा अधिग्रहण गर्नुपरेको थियो।

यही फागुन १३ गतेसम्ममा ९१ जना जग्गाधनी तथा प्रभावित व्यक्तिहरूलाई रु. ६६.५ करोड क्षतिपूर्ति उपलब्ध गराइसकिएको छ भने बाँकी मुआब्जा वितरण प्रक्रिया पनि तीव्रताका साथ अगाडि बढाइएको छ।

जग्गा प्राप्ति ऐन अन्तर्गत प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारीको अध्यक्षतामा गठित मुआब्जा निर्धारण समितिले अधिग्रहण गरिएको जग्गाको मुआब्जा निर्धारण गरेको थियो। स्थानीय सरोकारवाला र प्रभावित घरधुरीका प्रतिनिधिहरूलाई पनि यस प्रक्रियामा सहभागी गराइएको थियो।

अधिग्रहणमा परेका सबै सम्पत्ति÷संरचनाबापत्प्रतिस्थापन मूल्य सिद्धान्तका आधारमा प्रभावित घरपरिवारको विद्यमान जीवनस्तर नखस्कने गरी क्षतिपूर्ति उपलब्ध गराइएको हो। यसका अतिरिक्त एमसिए– नेपालले प्रभावित परिवारलाई अन्य उपयुक्त जीविकोपार्जन र पुनःस्थापनसम्बन्धी तालिम पनि उपलब्ध गराई पुनःस्थापनका लागि सहयोग उपलब्ध गराउनेछ।

एमसिए–नेपालले निर्माण गर्न लागेका विद्युत्प्रसारण आयोजना राष्ट्रिय गौरवको योजना हो र यसले ३१५ किमि लामो दोहोरो सर्किटको चार सय केभीको प्रसारण लाइन तथा तीन वटा सब–स्टेशन निर्माण गर्नेछ। उक्त प्रसारण लाइन नेपालका १० जिल्लाका ३० नगरपालिका÷गाउँपालिका भएर जानेछ।

रातमाटेमा बन्ने सब–स्टेशन नेपालकै सवैभन्दा आधुनिक र ठुलो हुनेछ र यसको निर्माणका क्रममा नेपालले यस्तो सब–स्टेशन कसरी बनाउने भन्ने अनुभव हासिल गर्ने अवसर पनि प्राप्त हुनेछ।

बिजुली वितरणका सन्दर्भमा नेपाललाई थप सशक्त बनाउनमा रातमाटे सब–स्टेशनले विशेष भूमिका निर्वाह गर्दैनुवाकोट जिल्लालाई नेपालकै एक महत्वपूर्ण विद्युतीय केन्द्रका रूपमा स्थापित गर्नमा यसले सहयोग गर्नेछ।

यस विद्युत् प्रसारण आयोजनाले त्रिशुली, गण्डकी र तामाकोशीबाट निकालिने बिजुली बढी खपत हुने ठाउँसम्म पु¥याउनेछ र देश विकासमा योगदान गर्दै बिजुलीमा गरिएको लगानीलाई प्रतिफलमूलक बनाउनेछ। यो अर्थमा आयोजनालाई जग्गा उपलब्ध गराउने सबैले हाम्रो साझा भविष्य सुधार्न ठुलो योगदान गर्नुभएको छ। उहाँहरूप्रति नेपाल सरकार र एमसिए–नेपालको तर्फबाट हार्दिक धन्यवाद ज्ञापन गर्दछौँ।

एमसीसी नेपालको पुनर्वास कार्ययोजना सार्वजनिक

एमसीसी नेपालको पुनर्वास कार्ययोजना सार्वजनिक

नुवाकोट, २०७७ मङ्सिर २४ गते।

मिलेनियम च्यालेञ्ज एकाउण्ट नेपाल (एमसीए–नेपाल) द्वारा एमसीसी कम्प्याक्ट अनुदान सहयोगमा विद्युत् प्रसारण आयोजना अन्तर्गत नुवाकोट जिल्लाको रातमाटे गाविस वडा नं. ६ र ९ (हाल बेलकोटगढी नगरपालिका वडा नं ७) मा गर्न लागिएको ४०० केभि विद्युत् प्रसारण लाइन र सब–स्टेशन निर्माणसम्बन्धी तयारी कार्यका क्रममा जग्गा अधिग्रहणबाट प्रभावित हुने स्थानीय वासिन्दाका लागि आयोजनाका तर्फबाट तयार गरिएको पुनर्वास कार्ययोजना सार्वजनिक गरिएको छ।

नुवाकोट जिल्लाको जिल्ला समन्वय समितिको कार्यालयमा २०७७ मङ्सिर २४ गते बुधबार आयोजना गरिएको एक कार्यक्रम उक्त कार्ययोजना सार्वजनिक गरिएको हो।

एमसिए–नेपालले प्रभावित व्यक्तिहरूलाई प्रतिस्थापन मूल्य सिद्धान्तका आधारमा क्षतिपूर्ति दिने नीति अपनाएको छ। यसको उद्देश्य प्रभावित व्यक्तिहरूलाई कम्तीमा आयोजना सञ्चालन हुनुभन्दा पहिलेकै स्तरमा वा त्यसभन्दा राम्रो जीवनयापन गर्नका लागि सघाउनु हो। एमसिए–नेपालले आयोजनाबाट प्रभावित मानिसहरूलाई सहयोग गर्नका लागि सञ्चालन गरिने क्रियाकलापहरूलाई मार्गनिर्देशन गर्न पुनर्वास कार्ययोजना तथा जीविकोपार्जन पुनःस्थापन योजना तयार गरेको हो।

एमसिए–नेपालको पुनर्वास नीतिको प्रारूप (आरपीएफ) विसं २०७६ भदौ १६ गते (सन् २०१९ सेप्टेम्बर २) मा स्वीकृत गरिएको थियो। यो नीति अन्तरराष्ट्रिय वित्त निगम (आईएफसी) कार्यसम्पादन मापदण्ड र एमसीसी वातावरणीय दिशानिर्देश जस्ता अन्तरराष्ट्रिय मापदण्ड अनुसार तयार गरिएको छ। यस नीति अन्तर्गत जग्गा प्राप्ति ऐनका आधारमा घरजग्गाको मुआब्जा निर्धारण गर्नुका अतिरिक्त रुख, बालीनाली एवं अन्य भौतिक संरचनाहरूको पनि क्षतिपूर्ति उपलब्ध गराउने व्यवस्था गरिएको छ।

एमसिए–नेपालले स्थानीय वासिन्दालाई गुमेका सबै सम्पत्ति÷संरचनाबापत् प्रतिस्थापन मूल्य सिद्धान्तका आधारमा क्षतिपूर्ति उपलब्ध गराउनेछ। यसका अतिरिक्त प्रशिक्षण तथा अन्य उपयुक्त जीविका पुनःस्थापनसम्बन्धी उपायका माध्यमबाट पुनःस्थापन सहयोग उपलब्ध गराउने व्यवस्था पनि गरिएको छ।

जोखिममा रहेका व्यक्तिहरू पुनःस्थापना तथा क्षतिपूर्तिसम्बन्धी विकल्पहरूबारे पूर्ण रूपमा जानकार रहेको सुनिश्चित गर्न एमसिए–नेपालले विशेष उपायहरू अपनाउने र उनीहरूलाई कम जोखिम भएका विकल्प छनोट गर्नका लागि प्रोत्साहित गर्नेछ।

एमसिए–नेपालले सामाजिक तथा वातावरणीय प्रभावको व्यवस्थापनका लागि नेपाल सरकारका प्रक्रियाहरूका अतिरिक्त अन्तरराष्ट्रिय मापदण्डहरूलाई पनि अपनाएको छ। यस क्रममा व्यक्ति एवं परिवार तथा विस्थापित समुदायहरूलाई उनीहरूका अधिकार तथा विकल्पहरूबारे जानकारी दिएर अर्थपूर्ण छलफल सञ्चालन गरिएको छ। सामाजिक तथा जैविक वातावरणमा पर्ने प्रभावलाई न्यूनीकरण गर्नका लागिले प्रमुख वस्तीहरू, विद्यालयहरू, धार्मिक, सांस्कृतिक एवं ऐतिहासिक स्थलहरू तथा राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जहरूलाई सकेसम्म छोएको छैन।

Information for Potential Contractors and Suppliers

Information about upcoming (i) 300 Km of 400 kV Electricity Transmission Line Works Contract and (ii) Procurement of Plant Design, Supply and Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Lot 1: 400kV Ratmate Substation; Lot 2: 400kV New Butwal Substation; Lot 3: 400kV New Damauli Substation  under the Electricity Transmission Project in Nepal

The Millennium Challenge Corporation (“MCC”) and the Government of Nepal (the “Government” or “GoN”) have entered into a Millennium Challenge Compact for Millennium Challenge Account assistance to help facilitate poverty reduction through economic growth in Nepal (the “Compact”) in the amount of approximately USD 500 million (“MCC Funding”). The Government is acting through the Millennium Challenge Account-Nepal (the “MCA-Nepal”) for the implementation of the projects funded under the Compact and has contributed USD 130 million (“GoN Funding”).

The goal of the Compact is to reduce poverty through economic growth. The Compact program includes two projects: (i) The Electricity Transmission Project (ETP) for the construction of about 300 kilometers of 400 kV electricity transmission lines, three substations, and technical assistance for the power sector; and (ii) The Road Maintenance Project (RMP) to provide technical assistance to improve road maintenance and conduct road maintenance works of around 100 kilometers of the strategic road network identified by MCC and GoN through mutual consultation. The program would include the procurement of contractors and consultants for design, construction and supervision of electricity lines and substations; and road maintenance works, including a variety of technical services, equipment and construction works in different geographic locations within Nepal. The Compact can be accessed at http://localhost/mcanp-staging/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Millennium_Challenge_Compact.pdf

Information for Potential Contractors and Suppliers: This notice is to inform potential contractors and suppliers for the above procurements,  that given the current business and  travel disruptions caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic:  (i) MCA-Nepal has decided to postpone the launching of the bidding processes under the Electricity Transmission Project which were scheduled to be published in the first quarter of 2020; (ii) MCA-Nepal will timely notify/publish updated information on dates and modality to   access  the bidding documents as soon as the current disruptions are resolved,  and (iii) MCA-Nepal suggests visiting its website regularly for updated information on its business opportunities and other important notices: https://www.mcanp.org/.

Electricity Transmission Project Notice


नेपाल सरकार अर्थ मन्त्रालय अन्तर्गतको मिलेनियम च्यालेञ्ज एकाउण्ट नेपाल (एमसीए नेपाल) को निर्माणाधीन ४०० के.भी. विद्युत्प्रशारण आयोजना अन्तर्गत नुवाकोट जिल्लाको साविक रातमाटे गाविस वडा नं ६ र ९ (हाल बेलकोटगढी नगरपालिका वडा नं ७) मा ४०० के.भी.सबस्टेशन निर्माणको लागि आवश्यक पर्ने जग्गा प्राप्ति गर्ने सम्बन्धमा जग्गा प्राप्ति ऐन २०३४ को दफा ९ बमोजिम मिति २०७६-०६-१५ मा सूचना प्रकाशित गरिएको र सोहि ऐनको दफा १३ बमोजिम गठन भएको मुआब्जा निर्धारण समितिको मिति २०७६-१०-१५ को निर्णय अनुसार मुआब्जा निर्धारण भई जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालय, नुवाकोटको मिति २०७६-१०-२२ मा प्रकाशित मुआव्जा बुझ्न आउने सम्बन्धि सूचना अनुसार कामकाज भइआएकोमा हाल नोवलकोरोना भाइरस विश्वव्यापी महामारीको रुपमा फैलिरहेको र नेपाल समेत उच्च जोखिममा रहेको अवस्थामा उक्त भाइरसको संक्रमण हुन नदिनका लागि नेपाल सरकारले मिति २०७६-१२-११ गतेदेखि देशभरी नै लकडाउन गर्ने निर्णय गरि कार्यान्वयको अवस्थामा रहेको र जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालय नुवाकोटबाट समेत मिति २०७६-१२-११ मा निषेधाज्ञा जारी गरिएको परिप्रक्ष्यमा नेपाल सरकारको उक्त निर्णय तथा जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालय नुवाकोटबाट जारी गरिएको निषेधाज्ञाको पालना गर्दे यस आयोजनाबाट भैआएको मुआब्जा बितरण सम्बन्धि कामकाज अर्को सुचना प्रकाशित नभएसम्मको लागि हाललाई स्थगित गरिएको व्यहोरा जानकारी गराइन्छ । यसबाट सम्बन्धित जग्गा धनीहरुमा पर्ने असुविधाको लागि यस आयोजना क्षमायाचना गर्दछ ।

Land Compensation Rate fixed for Ratmate Sub-station

Nuwakot, January29, 2020.

A Compensation Fixation Committee meeting held on 29 January 2020 under the Chairmanship of the Chief District Officer of Nuwakot Mr. Drona Pokharel, fixed the compensation rate for land to be acquired for the construction of a sub-station at Ratmate, Ward No. 7, Belkotgadhi Municipality of Nuwakot.

Compensation rates have been fixed in three categories based on natures of lands to be acquired. Lands under category (a) will be provided NRs. 5.2 Million/Ropani, category (b) will get NRs. 3.36 million/Ropani and category (c) will be compensated with NRs. 2.56 million/Ropani.

Mr. Shiva Dhakal, ESP Specialist Land Acquisition MCA-Nepal presenting about the project working area at Ratmate, Nuwakot.

The rates have been based on a report presented by a sub-committee, coordinated by Mr. Badri Nath Gairhe, the Assistant Chief District Officer at Nuwakot district. The rates were fixed based on recommendations on the evaluation of lands to be acquired, crops and plants on the lands, people to be affected.

The project will also be providing NRs. 45 thousand as moving allowance; NRs. 11,800/Ropani as land clearance and land development allowance; NRs. 48 thousand as rental allowance for six months and NRs. 11,100/person as food. security allowance to each physically displaced family. Similarly, physically displaced families dependent on agriculture will also receive NRs. 13,500 dependent on brick industries, NRs. 16 thousand dependent on small business, NRs. 60 thousand dependent on poultry farming, NRs. 120 thousand dependent on rice mill and NRs. 150 thousand as transitional allowance.

Apart from them, physically and economically displaced families will be provided with NRs. 18 thousand as transportation allowance per family and chronically-ill patients, senior citizens and people with different abilities will benefit with NRs. 36 thousand as vulnerable allowance (NRs. 3 thousand per month for 12 months).

25 representatives from various government authorities, local government, affected local communities, including MCA-Nepal staff and the Executive Director of MCA-Nepal took part in the meeting.

The meeting was conducted according to Clause 13 of Land Acquisition Act, 1977.

A notice regarding the land to be acquired was published on 5 February 2020 on Gorkhapatra Daily.

Millennium Challenge Account Nepal (MCA-Nepal) is in the preparatory phase to construct the Ratmate Sub-station as a part of its Electricity Transmission Project (ETP), which will build 318 km long 400 kV transmission line in Nepal across 10 districts covering three Provinces.

Press meet for timely parliamentary ratification of the MCC Nepal Compact

On 22 December 2019, MCA-Nepal organized a press meet to appeal the Parliament for timely ratification of the MCC Nepal Compact. The meet coincided with the starting week of the winter session of the House of Representatives. Mr. Khadga B. Bisht, the Executive Director of MCA-Nepal gave an overview of the organization and the status of the Compact.  He highlighted the need for urgent ratification stressing upon the fact that it was Government of Nepal’s decision to send the Compact for Parliamentary ratification after a well-thought legal opinion and thorough consideration by the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs.

He also informed the media that all MCC Compacts worldwide are implemented only after a Parliamentary ratification and 17 other countries where the compact is being/ has been implemented have received parliamentary ratification. Parliamentary ratification and site access are the two major remaining conditions that will be required to ensure Nepal can access the funds allocated to implement the program on time. Expressing commitment to complete the program within the five years time frame, Mr. Bisht mentioned, “We are in the final stage of preparatory works required for the implementation of our projects.” Mr. Bisht also delivered a press release in the same event which included updates of the major achievements of MCA-Nepal as highlighted below:

  • On 29 September 2019, the Program Implementation Agreement (PIA), one of the Conditions Precedent to the Compact was signed by the Government of Nepal and the MCC, representing the US Government.

  • On 30 September 2019, a Compensation Fixation Committee (CFC) was formed in Nuwakot under the Chairmanship of the CDO and the process to form similar committees in other nine districts is ongoing.

  • On 15 October 2019, the Governments of Nepal and India agreed to the financing and ownership framework that will govern the implementation of the New Butwal – Gorakhpur cross-border transmission line, which is an integral part of the Nepal compact and a Condition Precedent.

  •  On 18 and 29 – 30 November, two outreach events in Nepal and India were held to inform potential construction and service providing organizations about upcoming procurement opportunities and to ensure that the best contractors from around the world participate in the global bidding for the construction of the projects.

  •  From 24 November – 6 December 2019, public hearings, which are a mandatory requirement in finalizing the environmental impact study of project areas were conducted in 30 municipalities of the 10 districts that will be affected by the Electricity Transmission Project. As a result, these 30 municipalities have provided their recommendation to move ahead.

  • Local level stakeholder consultations have taken place in all 30 municipalities and district level stakeholder consultations are also being organized. Three district level consultations in Nuwakot, Sindhupalchowk and Nawalparasi (Bardaghat-Susta West) have been completed.

  • Similarly, detailed design work, finalization of the transmission line alignment, and tendering as well as planning for the contractor selection process is progressing well and will be completed within the next two months so that these processes are carried out on time to allow for implementation phase to begin on 30 June 2020.

The meet ended after a question and answer session with the media. Around 50 journalists took part in the half day event that was organized in Hotel Royal Singi, Kathmandu.

Municipality level public hearing held in all districts to be affected by ETP

MCA-Nepal organized municipality level public hearings from 24 November – 5 December 2019 in all 30 Municipalities of the ten districts which will be affected by the Electricity Transmission Project (ETP) will be implemented. The purpose was to generate awareness of the importance of MCA-Nepal’s ETP, share the draft Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) report, sensitize communities and local stakeholders on the potential social and environmental impact of the project activities and share mitigation measures adopted to address them.

The EIA was conducted earlier in areas that will be affected, i.e. 98 wards of 30 municipalities. EIAs are carried out to minimize the adverse impacts on ecological, social and the surrounding physical environment. Considering these socio-environmental impacts, several adjustments were made on the alignment route for the transmission towers. The hearing was an opportunity to share how the EIA has adopted various impact mitigation measures, such as compensation based on resettlement cost, compensation for crops, fruits and plants for the transition period.

Public hearings are a mandatory requirement in finalizing the environmental impact study of project areas that will be affected by the Electricity Transmission Project. As a result, many of these municipalities have provided their recommendation to move ahead. A total of 1543 people took part in public hearings out of which about 20% of the participants were women.

Glimpses of the Public Hearing

DateDistrict group 1Hearing Venue District group 2 Hearing Venue District group 3Hearing Venue
11/24/19NuwakotBelkotgadhi- ward no. 7
11/25/19NuwakotTarkeshwor-Taruka GhatTanahunVyas-DCC HallDhading-benighat rorangBishaltaar – Near GP office
11/26/19NuwakotLikhu-GP officeTanahunRishing-GP officeDhadingGajuri-GP office
11/27/19NuwakotPanchakanya- ward 5 officeTanahunGhiring- Gp officeDhadingSiddhalekh-Bunchung Gp office
11/28/19NuwakotShivapuri-Gp officePalpaRampur-Bejad BazaarDhadingGalchhi – Gp office
11/29/19ChitwanIchhyakamana-Gp officePalpaNisdi-GpofficeDhadingThakre-Gp office
12/01/19TanahunAbukhairani-Gp officeNawalparasiBinayeetribeni- ward 5 officeDhadingNilkantha-ward 5 DCC hall
12/02/19TanahunBandipur-Gp officeNawalparasiBardaghat-Municipality officeMakwanpurThaha-Bhakundebesi
12/03/19NawalparasiSunwal-Municipality officeMakwanpurKailash-Gp office
12/04/19KathmanduShankharapur-JarsingpauwaNawalparasiRamgram-Municipality officeMakwanpurHetauda-DCC Hall
12/05/19SindhupalchowkMelamchi-Community Building Ward-2NawalparasiPalhinandan-Municipality officeMakwanpurRaksirang-Gp office

Electricity Outreach Event held successfully in New Delhi

MCA-Nepal organized a two day outreach event from 29 to 30 of November 2019 in New Delhi. The objective of the outreach was to inform potential construction and service providing organizations about upcoming procurement opportunities related to the Electricity Transmission Project (ETP). The upcoming Plant Design, Supply and Installation, Testing and Commissioning of about 300 Kilometers 400 kV D/C Transmission Lines in Nepal; Plant Design, Supply and Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Three (3) 400 kV Substations in Nepal; Power Sector Technical Assistance Activity (Electricity Regulatory Commission and Nepal Electricity Authority); Road Management Technical Assistance (Department of Roads and Roads Board Nepal) and Procurement procedures/methods overview including key timelines.

Ms Shalini Tripathi, Deputy Executive Director- Management for MCA-Nepal gave an insight into MCA-Nepal’s compact. Mr. Luis Villalta, Procurement Agent Manager shared about the procurement process and stressed upon the fairness criteria in the process of selection. The requirements for the project activities were also shared by respective managers in the one day event.

The overall presentation for the event can be found on our website, under Documents & Reports > Publications.

External Stakeholder Consultation Workshop on Social and Gender Integration Plan (SGIP)

Rajendra Thanju Quality Assurance Manager MCA-Nepal, presenting at the event.

On 21 November 2019, MCA-Nepal organized a half-day stakeholder consultation workshop on SGIP for the Electricity Transmission Project and Road Maintenance Project.  The objectives were to get feedback from the concerned agencies, build ownership and finalize the SGIP document.  

Troy Kofroth, Resident Country Director of MCC, talking about MCC’s Compact and the projects MCA-Nepal is working for.

Mr. Troy E. Kofroth, Resident Country Director, MCC welcomed the participants. Ms. Shalini Tripathi, Deputy Executive Director (Management), MCA-Nepal presented briefly on the Compact and the MCA-Nepal projects. She also highlighted SGIP’s significance in the Compact for which she requested critical feedback and inputs from participants. Ms. Yesiareg Dejene, Gender and Social Inclusion Director, MCC, Washington DC presented on MCC’s approach to gender and social inclusion where she shared Gender Policy 2011 and Operation Documents of MCC which requires gender and social analysis at all stages to inform Compact design. She also presented briefly on the key findings of Social and Gender Assessment Reports of Nepal which provided the base for SGIP. GSI Specialists for MCA-Nepal Ms. Kalawati Rai and Mr. Tara Gnyawali presented the action plans with regard to social and gender inclusion in the different sub-projects inside the Compact.

Ms. Yeshiarege Degene, the Director of GSI at MCC, USA presenting her findings on GSI status of Nepal.

The discussion session in the workshop gave an opportunity to all participants to put forth their views and share their expertise. Participants shared good practices and provided feedbacks on ways to make women and disadvantaged group participate and create opportunities in the project. Mr. Khadga Bahadur Bisht, Executive Director, MCA-Nepal delivered the closing remarks and thanked the participants for their time and ensured their comments would be incorporated in the final document.  

Around 15 people took part including Ms. Sabita Pandey, Section Officer, Electricity Regulation Commission/Nepal Electricity Authority; Ms. Chetna Thapa, Director, Road Board Nepal; Mr. Ram Prasad Gauli, Officer, Road Board Nepal; Mr. Hemantaraj Ghimire, Environmentalist, Department of Energy Development; Mr. Shiva Raj Adhikari, Senior Division Engineer, Department of Road;  Ms. Subha Shrestha, Sociologist, Department of Road; Ms. Sita Duwadi, Section Officer and Gender Focal Person, Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration; Ms. Balkumari Darlami, President, Shakti Samuha and Mr. Narayan Gyanwali, Chairperson, National Association of Community Electricity Users Nepal (NACEUN).

Kala Rai, GSI specialist MCA-Nepal presenting about the action plans with regard to social and gender inclusion in the different sub-projects inside the Compact.

District level Stakeholders Consultation held successfully in Parasi

MCA-Nepal organized a half-day District-level Consultation Program at the DCC Hall in Parasi district on 20 Nov 2019 with an overall objective to share information on MCA-Nepal and the ETP, focusing on its activities in Parasi. The participants were heads of various government entities in the district, Members of Central and Provincial Parliaments, local government representatives from affected municipalities and wards, NGO Federations, media and other concerned stakeholders on the subject matter.

The main objective of the event was,

  • To generate awareness among local stakeholders about MCA-Nepal and the importance of the ETP project
  • To sensitize district government agencies, people’s representatives and local stakeholders on the potential social and environmental impact of project activities and mitigation measures adopted
  • To build a common understanding and consensus among stakeholders about safeguard policies in place for affected communities

The event started with an introduction about the agency by Mr. Khadga Bisht and its governance structure under the Ministry of Finance. He also shared the background of Millennium Challenge Corporation’s work around the world, highlighting the reason Nepal was selected for a 500 million USD grant by MCC and the process undertaken by the Government of Nepal to identify the projects and declaration of ETP as a national pride project. He also talked about the CPs and the status of the program. Mr. Bisht also shared the inter-relationship between electricity consumption and economy citing examples of Asian countries like Bhutan and Laos in his presentation. He explained the status of energy consumption and protection in Nepal and challenges in the development of transmission lines. In his last presentation, Mr. Bisht shed light on some of grievances regarding the alignment of the transmission line received from Parasi district and explained the process and ways of addressing them.

Sharing the probable impact of the project in the lives of people and the environment, Mr. Shyam Upadhyaya highlighted the opportunities in employment, industrial and economic growth. Additionally he informed participants on how different international and national policies will be followed for the environment and social protection activities.

Mr. Rajendra Thanju presented on the safeguarding policies of the project which focuses on protecting the people and environment and enhancing environment sustainability. The Chief Guest of the program, Mr. Harijan acknowledged the importance of electricity transmission lines and the construction of electricity sub-station in the national context and emphasized that there should not be injustice against local people in the process of the implementation of the national pride project.

Presiding over the event, Mr. Ray, the Chief of District Coordination Committee mentioned that a win-win situation should be created for both of the parties to the project i.e. the government and land-owners regarding land acquisition and compensation issues. Ms. Bhagawati Devi Bhandari, a parliamentarian at the Provincial Parliament of Province No. 5 recalled the days when she herself was a victim of a compensation process in a project implemented by the government earlier and appealed to the management to pay attention to provide sufficient compensation to the affected people.

The Special Guest of the program Mr. Marasini, the CDO of Parasi district stated that the compensation distribution against the land acquisition was going to be the most challenging task in the process, but the project should not be disturbed in the name of ‘Sufficient Compensation’. He also provided commitment to ensure necessary support for a project that has been identified as a national pride project by the government.

ETP Outreach event organized in Kathmandu

On 18 November 2019, an outreach event was organized by MCA-Nepal for its Electricity Transmission Project. The objective was to inform potential construction and service providing organizations about upcoming procurement opportunities related to Plant Design, Supply and Installation, Testing and Commissioning of about 300 Kilometers 400 kV D/C Transmission Lines in Nepal; Plant Design, Supply and Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Three (3) 400 kV Substations in Nepal; Power Sector Technical Assistance Activity (Electricity Regulatory Commission and Nepal Electricity Authority); Road Management Technical Assistance (Department of Roads and Roads Board Nepal) and Procurement procedures/methods overview including key timelines.

Mr. Troy Kofroth, Resident Country Director, MCC, presenting at the event.
Participants at the event.

MCC’s Resident Country Director Mr. Troy Kofroth welcomed participants and presented an introduction to MCC and the Nepal Compact highlighting the reason Nepal qualified for MCC’s grant. Ms Shalini Tripathi, DED- Management for MCA-Nepal gave an insight into MCA-Nepal. Mr. Luis Villalta, Procurement Agent Manager shared about the procurement process and stressed upon the fairness criteria in the process of selection. The requirements for the project activities were also shared by respective managers in the two day event. Around 60 people took part.

The success of the MCA-Nepal projects will depend on timely procurement of contractors and consultants for design, construction and supervision of electricity lines and substations, road maintenance works, including a variety of technical services, equipment and construction works in different geographic locations within Nepal. These contracts will be completed through open international procurement procedures and there is an imperative to accomplish the pre-procurement and the procurement activities on time.

Field visit for TL re-alignment in Parasi

MCA-Nepal team and a consultation group from Stantec visited Parasi District from 7 – 12 November 2019 to consult with local residents, including complainants, municipal representatives and government officials regarding the grievances received and possible solutions. The team also visited the transmission Line path and explored possibilities of alternative routes, evaluated the possible environmental and social impacts due to the proposed changes.

In the same visit, the team met with local stakeholders including the CDO of Parasi Mr. Shambhu Prasad Marasini, Mayor of Ramgram Municipality Mr. Narendra Kumar Gupta, Mayor of Sunwal Municipality Mr. Bhim Bahadur Thapa Chettri and Mr. Baiju Prasad Gupta of the local Public Information Center. The main concerns of the local government were regarding the grievances of the local communities settled around the substation area. The team assured the CDO that he would be briefed about the solutions for registered grievances after consultation with stakeholders and field verification.  Numerous public consultations were done before the finalization of route.

Meeting with affected landowners held at Ratmate

On 24 October 2019, MCA-Nepal organized an interaction meeting with Land Value Evaluation Sub-Committee at Ratmate Nuwakot. The team was led by Mr. Badri Nath Gaire, Assistant Chief District Officer of Nuwakot, with the participation of Mr. Hem Nidhi Nepal, the Ward Chair of Belkot Municipality ward no. 7. Representatives from the Land Reform Office and the Land Survey office also took part in the meeting.

The purpose was to create an open grievance handling platform for local landowners who are affected by the Electricity Transmission Project. The discussion provided Affected Person (AP) committee members detailed information on the scope of the Land Value Evaluation Sub-Committee and the process for land valuation. Mr Gaire explained the key indicators taken into consideration to determine the rate of land. The responses were well received by the affected locals including the local government representatives. One of the main concerns raised by the AP committee during the meeting was regarding the relocation and the physical resettlement of the people. As a feedback, the ward chair requested the AP group to appoint a local representative who will act as a focal person for all future grievances handling. The discussion was also aimed to create an understanding of the long term benefit of the project and provide insights into the physical structure of the Ratmate Substation area.

The Electricity Transmission Project (ETP) will build around 318 km of 400 kV electricity transmission lines, three substations, and provide technical assistance for the power sector in Nepal. The 318 km of transmission line will pass through 30 municipalities of 10 districts. More than Eight Hundred towers will be installed to support the transmission lines. The proposed locations for the three sub-stations are in Ratmate, Damauli and New Butwal.

Land to be acquired for Ratmate Sub-Station

A Compensation Fixation Committee meeting, held on 30 September 2019 under the Chairmanship of the Chief District Officer of Nuwakot, has formed a sub-committee to prepare a field study report to fix the compensation rate for the land to be acquired for the construction of a sub-station at Ratmate, Belkotgadhi Municipality of Nuwakot.

The sub-committee formed under Mr. Badri Nath Gairhe, the Assistant Chief District Officer at Nuwakot district has nine members. After a discussion on the preliminary report on the land acquisition at Ward No. 7 of Belkotgadhi Municipality presented by Mr. Shiva Prasad Dhakal, the Preliminary Officer designated for preparing a report on the land acquisition, the meeting ended with a decision to publish a public notice regarding the land acquisition in a national daily. Mr. Khadga Bahadur Bisht, the Executive Director at MCA-Nepal, who also attended the meeting presented an introduction to the project. The meeting was conducted according to the Clause 13 of Land Acquisition Act, 1977.

Millennium Challenge Account Nepal (MCA-Nepal) will be constructing the Ratmate Sub-Station as a part of its Electricity Transmission Project (ETP) which will help Nepal build a 318 KM long 400 kV transmission line.

Program Implementation Agreement signed between the Government & MCC

Resident Country Director Troy Kofroth (center left) with 
 Minister of Finance, Honorable Dr. Yubaraj Khatiwada, holding the signed PIA 

The Ministry of Finance representing the Government of Nepal and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) representing the United States Government signed a Program Implementation Agreement on 29 September 2019. The signing ceremony took place at the Ministry of Finance with the Minister of Finance, Honorable Dr. Yubaraj Khatiwada signing on behalf of Government of Nepal and Mr. Anthony Welcher, Vice President of the Department of Compact Operations, MCC signing on behalf of the U.S. government, represented in Nepal by Mr. Troy E. Kofroth, Resident Country Director.

The event was attended by Finance Secretary Dr. Rajan Khanal, Joint Secretary and Head of International Economic Cooperation Coordination Division Mr. Shreekrishna Nepal, Mr. Khadga Bahadur Bisht, Executive Director, Millennium Challenge Account-Nepal (MCA-Nepal) and other MCC and MCA-Nepal representatives.

The Program Implementation Agreement is an important step toward implementing the $500 million Millennium Challenge Corporation Compact in Nepal as it further specifies the terms for implementing the Compact and its activities in Nepal including details of the implementation arrangements, fiscal accountability and disbursement and use of MCC funding, among other matters.

With its signing, Nepal has met one of the key Conditions Precedent to the 30 June 2020 entry into force date after which the five year clock to implementation of the Compact will start. In September 2017, the U.S. Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation signed the Compact with the Government of Nepal. The Compact aims to increase the availability and reliability of electricity, improve the quality of the roads network and facilitate power trade between Nepal and India – helping to spur investments and accelerate economic growth that will benefit all Nepalese.

To read the signed PIA agreement visit the ‘Main Agreement‘ https://www.mcanp.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Signed-PIA-29.09.2019.pdf section on our website.

Two day training/workshop program on ‘Procurement Operations Manual’ organized by MCA-Nepal

The Deputy Resident Country Director of MCC Mr. Sanjay Paudyal giving his remarks about the procurement process during the event held from 23rd Sep 2019 till 24th Sep 2019 at the Royal Singhi Hotel.

A two day training/workshop on ‘Procurement Operations Manual’ was held on 23rd of September and the 24th of September at the Royal Singhi Hotel, organized by the Procurement department of MCA-Nepal. The objective of this training is to provide a detailed information on how the procurement system works under MCC’s guidelines, for Nepal’s compact.

The training also provides a detailed overview of the ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ of contract managers and to secure a fair procurement contract for all applicants or agents. The training focused on how suppliers, consultants and service providers can be notified and sensitized-about upcoming MCC funded procurement opportunities.

Mr. Mahendra Shrestha, manager of the MCA-Nepal procurement program talking about the bidding process and bid challenge
Mr. Luis Villalta-procurement Agent Manager presenting on the process of a fair and timely procurement process and its significance for our projects.