An inception meeting between MCA-Nepal and Consultants was organized to discuss the plans and requirements for the preparation and implementation of the Transmission Line (TL) Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Livelihood Restoration Program (LRP) for affected people in the route of the transmission line on 29 and 30 December 2022.
In his opening remarks, Mr. Khadga Bahadur Bisht, ED, MCA-Nepal, highlighted that MCA-Nepal aimed to implement the project with minimal impact on the people inhabiting the project sites. He highlighted, “RAP and LRP are important to ensure that the affected people are sufficiently compensated during resettlement and their livelihood is well restored as per IFC standards and MCC guidelines.”
In the same meeting, MCA-Nepal staff presented its fiscal, branding guidelines for Consultants as per the requirement of the MCC Nepal Compact.
Mr. Babu Ram Dumre, Consultant and Deputy Team Leader of the joint venture among SA Infrastructure Consultants Pvt. Ltd., BOTEK Bosphurus Technical Consulting Corporation, GOEC Nepal Pvt. Ltd. and Total Management Services Pvt. Ltd, presented an overview of the planned activities for the preparation and implementation of TL RAP and LRP.
SA Infrastructure Consultants Pvt. Ltd. in a joint venture with BOTEK Bosphurus Technical Consulting Corporation, GOEC Nepal Pvt. Ltd. and Total Management Services Pvt. Ltd was selected to provide consultancy services for the preparation and implementation of TL RAP and LRP. The activities under RAP and LRP will avoid and/or minimize any adverse involuntary resettlement and livelihood impacts on the project-affected people in 10 districts of Nepal along the route of the transmission line.